Grievance Procedure

       Inthorn Co., Ltd. has established this grievance procedure to receive concerns about
circumstances in the supply chain of;
• metal involving gold, silver, platinum group and 3TG
• diamond and lab grown diamond (LGD)
that material and product are suspicious sourced from conflicted-affected and high-risk areas,
out of jurisdiction of UN guiding principles for Human Rights and OECD guidance for supply
chain due diligence.

The Responsible Jewellery Council

Inthorn Company Limited is a design and manufacturer of jewellery and accessories, located in Nakornpathom, Thailand and employ over 300 personnel..

Responsible Sourcing Policy

     Inthorn Group is fully committed to ensure any diamonds, stones, gold, platinum group
metals (PGM) tin, tungsten or tantalum (“3TG” or “conflict minerals”) and Silver in its products do
not directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups that are perpetrators of human rights
abuses in the Democratic Republic of Congo or an adjoining country. Inthorn does not use any
tungsten or tantalum in its products.


This is Inthorn Co., Ltd. (IC) 2022 annual report detailing our responsible business policies in accordance with the Responsible Jewelry Council

Sustainability Business Code of Conduct

OurSustainable Business Code ofConductis comprised andcovering our economic, environmental, socialandgood governancegoals with theobjective,policy, and procedures.


This policy confirms Inthorn Co., Ltd.’s commitment to respect human rights, avoid contributing to the finance
of conflict and comply with all relevant UN sanctions, resolutions and laws.
Inthorn Co., Ltd. is a certified member of the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC).
As such, we commit to proving, through independent third-party verification, that we:
a. respect human rights according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and
International Labor Organization Fundamental Rights at Work;
b. do not engage in or tolerate bribery, corruption, money laundering or finance of terrorism;
c. support transparency of government payments and rights-compatible security forces in the extractive industry.
d. do not provide direct or indirect support to illegal armed groups; and
e. enable stakeholders to voice concerns about the jewellery supply chain.


   Inthorn Co., Ltd. has the vision in regarding to the Supply Chain Security Program in correlated with our Supply Chain Policy, to drive responsibility in our supply chain, and to lead and inspire others to do the same, and commitment to


    This is Inthorn Co., Ltd. semiannual report of our performance in accordance to our                   Supply Chain Security Program which we adopted and announced on February 1, 2022, detailing as following;

Provenance Claims Procedure

      Inthorn Co., Ltd. has established the Provenance Claims Procedure in the supply chains by following the policy and statement of warranty in concern with;
1. Mineral:
Conduct supply chain due diligence on all suppliers that all supplying gold, silver, platinum group, and 3TG is sourced only from refineries or smelters that have been independently audited to be conflict-free under OECD due diligence guidance of one or more of the following;
• LBMA or DMCC Good Delivery Refiners
• Conflict Free Smelter Initiative
• Responsible Jewelry Council (RJC)
• Signet Responsible Sourcing Protocol (SRSP)